Six Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Parts And Products With Titanium
You need to avoid mistakes when machining your titanium to optimize the titanium supply parts and products you're producing. Unfortunately, industrial and manufacturing operations sometimes make mistakes when working their titanium that detract from the quality of the end product.
The following are six mistakes to avoid when creating parts and products with titanium
Using the same axial depth repeatedly
Varying axial depth when it comes to the depth of your cut can prevent premature wear and tear from occurring on certain parts of your cutting tool. This damage to your cutting tool can eventually start leading to irregular marks or damage to the parts you're producing.
If you are using a cutting tool for repeated axial cuts, try to change the axial depth slightly for different passes you use the tool to minimize tool wear over time.
Working with inappropriate speed and feed rates
Titanium is a material that is best worked within certain recommended cutting speeds and feed rates. Titanium should be worked with cutting speeds ranging from 6 to 46 meters per minute. You should also use the highest possible feed rates for your machinery when working titanium.
Using the wrong cutting blade
Some operations have problems when working titanium because they use the wrong type of cutting blade. You should use a carbide cutting blade when cutting titanium because titanium is a particularly hard material that requires a stronger cutting blade for the highest quality cuts.
Having an excessively high radial engagement
Keeping a radial engagement that's on the lower side when working with titanium helps to manage heat dissipation.
A lower radial engagement helps you to deal with the lower cutting speeds that are necessary with titanium without making any compromises regarding heat generation.
Not taking enough care with determining your tool path
There are certain things you need to do when determining your tooth path that are specific to titanium cutting.
Remember to roll into the cut with your tool when you're machining titanium. Do not allow machinery to slow the cut around corners, and capitalize on high feed machining techniques for maximum cut quality and effectiveness.
Not achieving adequate tool clearance
You need to understand how titanium machining exposes the cutting tool to a great deal of heat absorption. Because of this, maintaining enough tool clearance is important when you're working titanium.
Tool clearance is especially important when you're milling out a small pocket in titanium. Keep the tool diameter large enough for the pocket. This will ensure that the tool gets adequate exposure to the coolant to prevent overheating of the tool and a lower quality cut.