An Under-Desk Gun Safe Is Appropriate For These Businesses
Many business owners go to considerable lengths to protect their location, their products, and their employees. One of the best ways of doing so is to keep one or more firearms where you work. Of course, you'll need to follow your state's gun laws, as well as keep the firearms secure so that only you or an employee can retrieve them. It's important to place your gun safe in a sensible location — there's little value in having your firearms in a storeroom where they'd be difficult to retrieve should the need arise. Under-desk gun safes are a good choice, and can especially be smart for these businesses.
Private Investigation Service
As a private investigator, you make your living helping people in need. This often means that you're conducting surveillance on unsavory individuals who may have a lot to lose. It's possible for an individual to visit your business and confront you. For example, after a spouse has filed divorce papers against his or her spouse based on your infidelity investigation, the latter spouse may blame you for breaking up his or her marriage. Should this person confront you at your place of work and perhaps threaten you with a weapon, you'll appreciate having an under-desk safe in front of you.
Pawn Shop
Most pawn shops are safe, but there are some that can sometimes attract unsavory individuals. For example, someone might attempt to sell stolen property and then become violent when he or she is unable to do so. Or, an individual might visit the pawn shop with the goal of robbing it — and perhaps even stealing its firearms that are for sale. It's smart to protect yourself with a firearm, and having a handgun conveniently located in an under-desk gun safe will ensure that it's easy to reach if a robbery occurs with little notice.
Jewelry Store
Jewelry stores use a variety of means of limiting the risk of robberies. For example, some stores keep their doors locked and only buzz people in who appear to be legitimate shoppers. Of course, there's always the risk of someone appearing legitimate but then attempting to rob you — and, given, the value of your products, this person may be willing to use violence during the robbery. Having an under-desk gun safe positioned near the cash register will provide you with easy access to a firearm should the need to protect yourself arise.